Studio Procedures

Drop-off, Pick-up, and Sanitization

Important Information


Our water fountains will now be open; HOWEVER, students should bring their own water bottle to fill to limit the number of students drinking directly from the fountain. Students bringing a water bottle with them will need to ensure tops are secure with first and last names clearly presented on them to prevent any mixing of bottles.


We will have hand sanitizer at our check-in entry and in each studio. Students may bring hand sanitizer in their dance bags to utilize. Hand soap and paper towels will be in each bathroom. Please go over hand-washing skills with your children. CDC: Wash You Hands Fact Sheet 508


Each dancer should have a dance bag (i.e. backpack, cinch sack, etc.) to put their dance shoes in for classes. Dance bags may not be stored at the dance studio. Please make sure your child’s dance bag is labeled with their name. All bags will enter and exit each class with students.


Please make sure your child arrives in their dance attire with their hair pulled back neatly in a ponytail or bun (for our ladies) and out of the face (for our gentleman). Our dress code is available here:


Students may bring their cell phones into the studio with them. However, they are to remain in their dance bags on silent.


We require an emergency contact for ALL students. If your child enters and advises us that they don't feel well after classes have started, the emergency contact will be immediately called to pick up the student. We will utilize the back office area for children who are not feeling well and awaiting pick up from their emergency contact. This area will be sanitized immediately after the child departs.


Our studio is professionally cleaned twice a month. However, the studio and bathroom floors will be mopped with a steam cleaner between professional cleanings; as well as, any touch points will be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.


Our lobby and bathrooms are MINIMALLY open; HOWEVER, please know that these areas are small and narrow and should remain clear so we do not exceed our building/maximum occupancy AND in case of emergency.

  • Check-In & Pick-up: We ask that parents remain on the sidewalk during this time to keep hallways clear for class transitions. Check out our full procedure below under “CHECK-IN PROCEDURES” & “PICK-UP PROCEDURES”.
  • During Class: Safety is important to us, so we are asking that no one loiters in the hallways during class time. Please review our full procedure below under “IN CLASS PROCEDURES”.


  • Class check-in time is no earlier than 5 minutes before their class begins.
  • You will see a studio representative at the front door that will be checking in all students. Students will check-in with SIM Staff from the sidewalk and enter our lobby to walk them to their classroom with a SIM Staff Member, Teacher, or Studio Assistant.
  • Our lobby is small and our hallways are narrow, so we ask that no parents/guardians enter the building during check-in times for the safety of our students.
  • At this time, all children under the age of 10 are REQUIRED to check-in with an adult.
  • Do NOT leave your child until they have been checked in. Once they are in the studio, feel free to run errands, etc.
  • If a student is not feeling well, please have them stay home.
  • Students should arrive in proper attire for class with their hair done.


  • Students will enter the building at check-in and be escorted to their classroom with a SIM Staff Member, Teacher, or Studio Assistant.
  • Teachers and Studio Assistants will help students change shoes; if needed. We ask that dance shoes not be worn outside.
  • At the end of class, students will walk with their teacher to the lobby for sidewalk pickup.
  • Safety is important to us, so we are asking that no one loiters in the hallways during class time.
  • With our classes reaching full capacity, we ask that parents only take a quick peek through the 2-way window during their child’s class so that we do not exceed our building capacity/maximum occupancy. We want to ensure our students get the most out of every minute of their class(es) and are 100% focused on their teacher(s), so please be aware that you can be seen and heard through this door. We encourage the learning of new skills in independence and our goal is that SIM Staff quickly build trust with each child and parent as we move through this process.
  • Please know that we have a few chairs on our sidewalk and a couple in our lobby so you can remain close by if you wish. Feel free to relax in your car or run errands during class time, too!


  • Please make sure you are on-time to pick up your student.
  • Teachers will be bringing the class back to the lobby for sidewalk pickup.
  • An adult will be REQUIRED to meet the child on the sidewalk to pick up their dancer from the studio. We will NOT send children to your vehicle alone.

We appreciate our SIM Family and the mindfulness and understanding of the safety procedures we have in place for the children.

Please contact us to visit and schedule a tour of the studio and receive more information about classes!

Let us help make you a star!

Questions? Contact Us!